Exclusive, modern design for all our houses, by our experienced Consultant Architects
adapted to the special technique and the local aesthetic standards and regulations

Technical Specifications for the construction of prefabricated wood-frame homes
Building License
The building license for the construction of Eurocasa houses is issued in the name and at the expense of the land owner/buyer. The responsibility for the accuracy of submitted data and the compliance with building regulations applicable to the particular site, lies with the land owner/buyer.
Reinforced concrete base for the house.
The reinforced concrete base (foundations and slab) on which the Eurocasa home is to be erected, should be built by the owner/buyer according to the precise measurements provided by the “Eurocasa” plans attached to the building license.
This is imperative so that the base is ready to receive the prefabricated wood-frame elements of the house without any undue variations. Otherwise, the owner/buyer will have to cover any additional cost that will incur for the necessary modifications to be made by Eurocasa, on site or, in the worst case, back at the factory.
The upper surface of the base slab must be perfectly level, while the quality of the concrete and steel reinforcements should comply with the Civil Engineering plans, also included in the building license.
In order to cover the difference of levels between internal and external areas of the house, at ground floor level, an additional, light concrete slab, of a thickness of about 10 cm. is to be applied by “Eurocasa”, after the wood-frame is erected. This being an essential part of the construction relative to the base, the cost is to be covered by the owner/buyer. Obviously this also applies in case a basement level is to be built.

Exterior walls
– Consist of prefabricated under special projects owned Eurocasa data frames transferred and made up between them on the spot. The frames are made from Swedish wood sectional depth 100 cm and width 50 ek.i 50Ch150ek. The vertical elements of the framework is necessarily monokomata, I have the maximum axial distance between 55 cm and connected by sleepers of the same section (10Χ5) ek.i respectively, the same as above distances between them. The provision of structures of the frameworks was suspended apparently in locations provided by the study of frames, always with the necessary static and seismic study aid with additional data timber. All frames are mounted on the base plate (see Article II) by inserting appropriate orizontiomenou wooden sleepers by the same section. The attachment is a hem of appropriate size placed on the base plate with appropriate plugs Upat, in a manner that precludes moving from unexpected results such as earthquakes. Similar conditions are for the horizontal line of prefabricated timber frame between them (Coach bolts and stryfonia per 50cm), ensuring the fullest possible the essential rigidity of the whole structure of interest.
– Are placed in these vertical frame wall elements are added together at the top sleepers in the same section (10Χ5) million, which accepts any additional context triangular or other shape to complement the walls, mounted on the roof slopes . These additional frameworks constructed and attached to the same as for the previous way. All these blades are reinforced with iron bars mounted on the frame further seismic strengthening.
– The shortcomings of the panels set up between the vertical and horizontal wooden elements of the skeleton frame of the home (unless of course the exposure frames) filled with expanded polystyrene insulation boards with the same thick frames (10 cm) or rock wool cut in precise dimensions so as not to leave substantial gaps (see below section for thermal insulation).
– The exterior walls of the home, after filling in the gap above the panels are covered in full (except frames) with external and internal sheets 2.5 cm thick Heraklith
– After installation of pipes and electrical boxes to accommodate the network and the cores of the hydraulic network, the external walls of the home covered in full by both the sides with sheets of galvanized wire mesh with appropriate coatings on the correct grip the substrate of the coatings.
– In accordance with the above total final thickness of the external walls of the home Eurocasa is about 22 centimeters.
Office Partition
– The prefabricated framework of internal walls of the dwelling made of the same quality timber, the same section and with its own as the exterior walls so. Also based on the sleepers and the floor plate in the same way and cover the entire height ofelimo indoor, so that the meeting with details of the roof (or floor, if applicable).
– Hollows of skeletons of internal walls and filled them with sheets of wool under the same thickness for better sound insulation, and also covered them with leaves Heraklith 2,5 m j After the installation of electrical and hydraulic networks, covered with leaves galvanized wire mesh to accommodate the cement and plastering.
– The total accordance with the above final thickness of internal walls is about 20 centimeters.
– The bearing wooden frame of the roof consists of beams required in any case cross sections and density determined by the static design of the home. Single occupancy has bearing roof beams based on the respective external and internal intermediate if any at this point walls. The mansard roof and the top if there is any internal wall, supported on a wooden beam (ridge) of the section required by structural design. Where the study for large sections typically used monokomata composite beams, glued wood (eg the company or any similar ABEX). clarified that the composite wood predominates by 40% in whole body strength to wood.
– In the very flat surface bounded by the upper sides of the beams of the roof mounted nailed wooden wing void “rabote” strip width 9 cm and a thickness of 12-13 mm that remains visible from the bottom, inside the area.
– Across the upper surface of the paved width of wing voids and attached sheets 6mm thick astro foil (corresponding to wool 12cm) with minimal overlap each other by 10 cm. Above the layer astro foil nailed in positions of beams of distances around 33 cm to accommodate these tiles.
– Across the surface of the roof above the astro foil beams and placed in a vacuum created exilasmeni placed polystyrene thickness 5cm. Then the entire surface is covered with insulation film of aluminum Radiant Barrier. Above the layer of astro foil nailed purlins and gaps among them mounted extra insulation, that achieves triple insulation, on the roof of the residence. The roofs are covered with full Roman style tile or other type of customer choice.
– Exactly the same technique applies in respect of the coverage of external indoor balconies provided by the architectural drawings of residential Eurocasa.
– The quality and thickness of the insulating material used for filling the gap layer of wall or roof be laid down by the approved study thermal insulation of the dwelling to be highly effective in all weather conditions.
– As mentioned in previous articles in this technical description, all the external walls of the home Eurocasa including those balconies, insulated by placing in the interstices of frameworks expanded polystyrene plates.
– The additional use of the external walls, the plates Heraklith, which in itself sufficient insulation factor, further improves the efficiency of thermal insulation in housing standards and Eurocasa which is one of the most positive characteristics.
– All visible surfaces of the walls of the home Eurocasa coated, externally and internally, in three successive layers (lath, stucco and laspoma) with high content of cement. The total thickness of the coating layers are 2-2.5 cm.
– The outer coatings of the type lath “rustic” or stucco with smooth margins around the openings of the frames, while all three floors are plastering stucco
– The manufacturing company reserves the right to change the way manufacturing coatings, partially or completely, if chosen newer, more efficient method, technically sound and acceptable, providing at least the same or better results in terms of durability and insulation.